Czech Society for Systems Integration (CSSI) associates several hundreds of organizations – enterprises, institutions and universities, and individuals who are delivering or employing information and communication technologies and information services.
The main interest of CSSI is the improvement of the management of information systems development and operations in companies and institutions. CSSI is intensively engaged in the ICT market, analyzes its trends and periodically publishes results. CSSI also brings out articles and other publications concerning topics actually discussed in theory and practice of systems integration and other topics relevant in the Czech Republic or abroad.
The mission of CSSI is to exchange information and expert views on topics in the field of information systems and technologies. In order to fulfill that mission, CSSI started to issue the journal Systémová integrace (Systems Integration) and to organize annual conferences Systémová integrace (Systems Integration), Svět informačních systémů (World of Information Systems), Tvorba softwaru (Software Development) and others. CSSI also offers various presentations of particular ICT products or services on its website or in the journal Systémová integrace.
Since 2010 CSSI publishes the on-line Journal of Systems Integration (ISSN 1804-2724).
Any organization or an individual can become CSSI member, based on the registration fee. For further details about membership, please contact CSSI secretary (contact bellow).
Key partners of CSSI are Slovak Society for Systems Integration, ICT union, Czech Chamber of Commerce, Czech Association of CIOs (CACIO) and Information Systems Audit and Control Association Czech Republic Chapter (ISACA CRC).
Basic activities of CSSI:
- CSSI organizes various conferences, such as Systems Integration (held in Prague), World of Information Systems (in Zlín), Software Development (in Ostrava), Business Processes Modeling and Optimization (in Plzeň), e-Strategy (in Liberec) and others. CSSI is also a partner in conferences organized by other institutions, such as EDI (FACT) and e-Business (in Prague), Datakon (in Brno) etc.
- CSSI organizes seminars focused on specific topics, for instance Competitive Intelligence, ICT Metrics, Costs and Benefits Analysis in Information Systems, IS/ICT Management Models and Methodologies
- CSSI issues the journal Systémová integrace quarterly ISSN1804-2716 (on-line), ISSN 1210-9479 (print), which is open for papers submitted by CSSI members or other professionals interested in the IS/ICT field; the journal is registered by the Council for Science and Research of the Czech Republic as a recognized peer-reviewed journal
- Since 2010 CSSI publishes the open on-line Journal of Systems Integration quarterly ISSN 1804-2724
- CSSI issues special CIO manuals, such as “Principles of systems integration contracts” or “Management of outsourcing”, and in cooperation with Slovak Society for Systems Integration issues series “Management in Information Society”
- CSSI participates in organization of professional competitions, such as TOP 10 Systems Integrators or The Best Diploma Theses at Universities
- CSSI headquarters are in Prague and has several regional units:
- West Bohemian CSSI in Plzeň,
- North Bohemian CSSI in Liberec,
- East Bohemian CSSI in Hradec Králové,
- Moravian CSSI in Ostrava,
- CSSI is organized into several thematically oriented sections:
- Center for Information Systems Research,
- Legislative and Law Professional Group,
- Services Science Management and Engineering (SSME).
The main contact address is:
Czech Society for Systems IntegrationPrague University of Economics, Dept of IT
nam. W. Churchilla 4
130 67 Praha 3
Czech Republic
The secretary of CSSI is Mrs. Hana Hůrková (